Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Saint Clair Shores, Michigan // Sherell:Over the past 3 weeks we have been arguing over the phone about silly stuff i.e.(8 March 2017) Sherell:I deleted mine and I trusted her to do the same.(8 March 2017) Sherell:When we made our relationship official we both agreed to cancel out dating profiles.(8 March 2017) Sherell:Me and my girlfriend [...]

They are about to get married in 6 months.
(8 March 2017)

Why can't he get a woman his own age?
(8 March 2017)

He even goes to the same health club as my sister and both parties are very fit.
(8 March 2017)

He is 35. I'm 34 and married with children.
(8 March 2017)

She met this man awhile ago about 2 years ago at an art museum where he displays his works of art.
(8 March 2017)

She has no reason to come out and sit next to me every time I go there and flirt. oh well.
(8 March 2017)

She has no reason to come out and sit next to me every time I go there and flirt.
(8 March 2017)

She started with me.......... I agree but walking out of the back when your job is to be away from customer to come out and flirt... That doesn't make sense... her job is to stock not be around customer.
(8 March 2017)

Before all this after she started flirting with me... she would make sure she always made my food when I was there... then I would get a message that says this was made with love.
(8 March 2017)

But next time i ran into her again i got no attention from her.I just ran into her again and she smiled at me very quick but i couldn't tell if it was genuine or not.
(8 March 2017)

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