Friday 10 March 2017

How often do you update your profile info?

I’m not talking about a adding a new blog here I’m talking about stats and personal information._ Melodie:Can anyone tell me whats going on in her head?(8 March 2017) Melodie:I don’t understand how she is controlling not to use those words which she liked very much initially.(8 March 2017) Melodie:Initially, she was the person who initiated all those [...]

He's the happiest, most upbeat guy I know and he doesn't have depression.... but this situation is getting him really down.
(8 March 2017)

He says that when this happens he feels emotionless and that he's angry at everyone around him, including me.
(8 March 2017)

He thinks that whenever his back is hurting it may be causing the issue, but this happens even when his back isn't hurting sometimes.
(8 March 2017)

This was never, ever an issue before; however, about 6 months ago he seriously injured his back (fractured a vertebrae) and it's been causing him lots of issues.
(8 March 2017)

My boyfriend (who's 18) and I have been having sex for about a year, and a few weeks ago he suddenly started having issues getting fully hard.
(8 March 2017)

Is the first part of someone's last name considered a nickname? People keep calling this dude silver instead of silverman?
(8 March 2017)

People keep calling this dude silver instead of silverman.
(8 March 2017)

Just wondering if silver would be considered a nickname if his last name is silverman?
(8 March 2017)

So don't make fun of me or call me stupid because this is what women in a poor village have to do and rely on.
(7 March 2017)

We don't have access to decent health care and many of the women in our village use this method as an indicator.
(7 March 2017)

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