Friday 3 March 2017

just a girl with natural needs…..

harmony, Rhode Island // Chanell:Is this meant to be with all of these complications?(2 March 2017) Chanell:I’m already getting stressed as it.(2 March 2017) Chanell:He’s not finding a solution and isn’t working with me.(2 March 2017) Chanell:Now it’s a long process to do that and if they come they will probably have to stay with my [...]

What can help this or treat this problem?
(3 March 2017)

These feelings of sadness come before and durin my period.
(3 March 2017)

Start looking at my friends who have kids and married and start feeling bad about myself.
(3 March 2017)

Start thinking about life and death and how I am single and should've been married by now.
(3 March 2017)

I get offended easily and start over analyzing things.
(3 March 2017)

But when I am on my period I feel sad depressed and think about how lonely I am.
(3 March 2017)

My boyfriend lives in another country and sometimes we talk after interval of max 5 days he s so busy with work and on weekends with friends that he doesn t have time for me but whenever he messages he tells me he loves me and wants a future with me.
(3 March 2017)

How do you sl st in first 2 sts. ch 1. pat to last 2 sts. Turn. Leave rem stst unworked. 43 sts. Work 1 row even in pat?
(3 March 2017)

It's a gift for an expectant mother.
(3 March 2017)

Any HONEST help would be appreciated.
(3 March 2017)

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