Sunday 5 March 2017

Last call, Part 2- Downtown Toronto

This post is just one in a seven part series. Please scroll down and view them in order to get the most out of my efforts. Thank youI left the airport soon after seeing Hope board her plane. Don’t yo_ Merrie:I know my chances of pregnancy and slim to none.(5 March 2017) Charita:Would moving high schools be [...]

My mother is constantly calling us 'jack' or 'Biitchhes' or just any other awful names.
(5 March 2017)

All amazing... they're all kind, don't do drugs, sleep around, skip school, get bad grades, or ANYTHING BAD.
(5 March 2017)

I have an old sister Younger sister Younger brother.
(5 March 2017)

I'm the second oldest among my siblings.
(5 March 2017)

I m just really confused and don t know what to do because she is driving me insane.
(5 March 2017)

I ve asked her to go to movies or just anywhere just as friends hanging out but she always seemed to find an excuse so I quit asking, but then she ll ask me to get a coffee with her sometimes.
(5 March 2017)

Or if she just finds me annoying.
(5 March 2017)

I just don t understand if she is being mean to me because she doesn t know how to act around me because she likes me too.
(5 March 2017)

I m trying not to like her anymore because she seems happy with her girlfriend but it s extremely hard.
(5 March 2017)

I ve never paid for a friend that I ve just met food so I thought it was a date.
(5 March 2017)

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