Friday 3 March 2017

Lonely Is kind of hurt, I need good man in my life

HONOLULU, Hawaii // Stella:My parents are replacing my bathtub because they want it to be nice before we move so they can sell the house for more money.(2 March 2017) Jennefer:What’s the name of a 90’s TV show? The family was white and had a lot of kids…. Some were adopted?(2 March 2017) Jennefer:The show [...]

I kind of gave up on it, and decided to back off.
(3 March 2017)

I wanted to try and get to know him, but he had a picture of him and his girlfriend.
(3 March 2017)

There's this guy I find really attractive, and I've seen him around town a few times and it turns out we have mutual friends and we're about to go to the same school, so I summoned the courage to follow him and he, lucky for me, followed back.
(3 March 2017)

Vivienne - I never even mentioned porn, so thanks for assuming when you really know nothing.
(3 March 2017)

I shut down when negative things are happening?
(3 March 2017)

But I came to do my job and I do my job helping patients.
(3 March 2017)

Manager even said I don't voice my opinions at meetings.
(3 March 2017)

I become quiet when I don't want to talk.
(3 March 2017)

The whole place became negative as soon as politics and everything else started happening.
(3 March 2017)

I am the kind of person that if I feel negative things happening, I shut down immediately and just want to get out as soon as possible.
(3 March 2017)

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