Saturday 11 March 2017

Message in the bottle

Exiled to Vermont, Keep sending your Tribute and Virginsshrouded illusion any thought of perspective,all is but of shadows and dusts, lost under the light of fabricated static,hides all that the mind_ Aleshia:I am a 29yr old male, I met a 41yr old woman oj a dating site?(9 March 2017) Aleshia:Im not a horse person and she is [...]

Dot of light brown spotting?
(9 March 2017)

Today just had a dot of light brown spotting today.
(9 March 2017)

I have a regular cycle, never missed a cycle every month.
(9 March 2017)

Had unprotected sex on Feb. 22nd.
(9 March 2017)

I started my last period on Feb. 8th.
(9 March 2017)

Why do exes want to see how you're doing with your life without them?
(9 March 2017)

When he's already married and has a family?
(9 March 2017)

For reals tho like my ex was tracking me down, sent me 4 follow requests in Instagram when I declined it...Could it mean he's obsessed or something?
(9 March 2017)

What is a mischievous guy?
(9 March 2017)

I like this guy in my class but my best friend said he's a mischievous guy what does that mean ?
(9 March 2017)

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