Wednesday 1 March 2017

my favorite color is pink

Devils Lake, North Dakota // Debora:What should I do for my 30th birthday today?(1 March 2017) Marceline:This guy likes me, isn’t shy, but won’t look at me. Why?(1 March 2017) Marceline:He’s sociable and not shy, I know this.(1 March 2017) Marceline:I overheard him telling his friend he likes me.(1 March 2017) Tamara:How early do pregnancy symptoms show?(1 [...]

One day she straight up asked for sex and I took her i was sleepy.
(1 March 2017)

And that's not going to happen in about 5 to 6 years.
(1 March 2017)

But I'm having a problem, my girlfriend recently been hinting to having sex for awhile and I been turning her down, because I believe in sex when engaged or married.
(1 March 2017)

Hello I'm a 18 year old boy, and I been with my girlfriend for 2 years now.
(1 March 2017)

How should I handle my classmates who sit behind me?
(1 March 2017)

I sit with my friend so I don't want to sit somewhere else or tell her what's going on.
(1 March 2017)

Idk if I'm brave enough to confront him; if I did he might deny it and then it'd be awkward.
(1 March 2017)

How do I make him realize that he's a horrible person?
(1 March 2017)

I guess he could tell that I looked annoyed because he keeps making noises to try to bother me and laughs at me when I look back.
(1 March 2017)

The guy was sniffing and I can't stand sniffing because I have misophonia.
(1 March 2017)

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