Friday 3 March 2017

my lips need something to wrap a round.

just want to play_ Carma:I seem to light up when I see him.(3 March 2017) Carma:I think and dream about him all the time.(3 March 2017) Carma:I wanna be around him all the time.(3 March 2017) Carma:I’ve known this guy for over 2 years and I started having feelings for him a few months after I met him.(3 March [...]

They said I had a viral infection.
(3 March 2017)

I got tested for the flu and strep and neither came out positive.
(3 March 2017)

I have no symptoms of pregnancy though, except weight gain (but I've been gaining weight a little over time for about a year now so that's nothing really new). I also currently have a virus and a 102 temp.
(3 March 2017)

Say that I did become pregnant at that time, i would be 2 weeks pregnant.
(3 March 2017)

Now during the time I had sex, he did go inside of me but was wearing a condom and and we made sure it did not break.
(3 March 2017)

I have only missed the pill a couple of times but did as it said to do when you miss a pill and I didn't miss anytime around the time I had sex.
(3 March 2017)

Since starting the pill I have had sex 1 time.
(3 March 2017)

Now I'm on my second cycle of 3 cycles and I am not having a period and it's my sugar pill week.
(3 March 2017)

When my first cycle of the pills of done, I did have a period during the sugar pill week.
(3 March 2017)

I've been on the pills since January 17 of this year, before that I was on the deposit shot for almost 4 years.
(3 March 2017)

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