Monday 20 March 2017

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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India // Hang:Just like girls call other girls babe, boo and cute pet names.(18 March 2017) Cecil:I have a thing for my friends wife. What should I do?(18 March 2017) Cecil:The only thing I can think to do is move out but that’s not an option.(18 March 2017) Cecil:I don’t want to do [...]

Everytime I try to get him to drink his bottle before he eats he cries and throws a fit.
(19 March 2017)

Just recently my son has started to refuse the bottle.
(19 March 2017)

My son has been drinking 5 oz of formula then eating his baby good after.
(19 March 2017)

Should this woman have her kids taken away?
(19 March 2017)

Rachel goes to school the next day with a short mini skirt on. - do you think Rachel should be taken away?
(19 March 2017)

Saying to Rachel here, so you can look pretty for school tomorrow. tasheka also adds that Rachel has a ugly face, bad hair but a decent body.
(19 March 2017)

A week later Tasheka buys Rachel a perm, red lipstick, and a straightening comb.
(19 March 2017)

The next morning One of the men walk in on Rachel half naked in the bathroom.
(19 March 2017)

Later that night two men come to their house.
(19 March 2017)

Then Tasheka comes back with a tight red dress, red lipstick, and her cleavage showing.
(19 March 2017)

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