Saturday 11 March 2017

Old Buzzards and Spring Chickens: What’s Up with that?

I recently visited a group called Younger Women and Older Men. It concerns relationships between younger women and older men, referenced by the title of this post.. Topics covered include “Why are you_ Lashawnda:There is this girl in my class since the beginning of the year that always did not like me.(8 March 2017) Marcia:My teacher like [...]

However i am just really scared to because I am afraid that I won't get an answer I like.
(8 March 2017)

I have no desire to talk to any other guys.
(8 March 2017)

I am ready to have this talk with him because I feel ready to be committed.
(8 March 2017)

Ive been dating someone for a little over 2 months.
(8 March 2017)

From a female perspective: why do girls act standoffish online, even to guys they know and supposedly like?
(8 March 2017)

What would you say is the motivation here?
(8 March 2017)

Then when I see them in person again, they act all flirty and excited to see me, as if everything is great.
(8 March 2017)

However, when I message them on Facebook (for instance), they deliberately ignore the message, or even ignore friend requests.
(8 March 2017)

Girls I know are often friendly in person, even showing interest.
(8 March 2017)

In my experience, this is the rule, not the exception.
(8 March 2017)

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