Monday 6 March 2017

Princess in my dreams

Noida, Delhi, India // Alesia:While he’s currently my friend and told me since he can’t be my bf, can we be friends with benefits?(6 March 2017) Alesia:I’m 20, and I have this friend that likes me a lot & it took him 5 months to tell me this.(6 March 2017) Dreama:Choosing a new name?(6 March [...]

Mild cramps 6 days after period?
(6 March 2017)

Do divorced parents actually separate children?
(6 March 2017)

Does mom get one kid while dad gets the other one or is that make belief?
(6 March 2017)

I have seen it happen in a range of scenarios from anime to sitcoms, but I wonder if it happens in real life.
(6 March 2017)

What do you think this unfollow means?
(6 March 2017)

Now I'm wondering if he though I was stalking him or something at the mall?
(6 March 2017)

Today he was not at school and later when I got home I realized I lost a follower so I checked to see who it was and it was him.
(6 March 2017)

He ended up walking out of the bathroom as we were walking to the bathroom.
(6 March 2017)

Then I had to meet my mom at macy's for her to give me money when my friend and I decided to use the bathroom.
(6 March 2017)

I ended up going to the food court later where I walked past him.
(6 March 2017)

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