Sunday 5 March 2017

Rough Drafting

List the thought intents, capaciously displayed, all to be weeded as need in pros and cons,lay it all down, rearrange it all around,till some sense, helps the thinking carry on. May look the fool, to_ Ayako:I know that my girlfriend is completely over that ex and they don t keep in touch at all probably, but [...]

Does it depend entirely on the carer(s)?
(5 March 2017)

I broke up with my boyfriend and I want him back badly?
(5 March 2017)

And I don't know, I texted him today to see if he was ok bc his life's a mess and I don't wanna like throw him over the cliff or something ya know?
(5 March 2017)

I want him back but I know that if we date again it'll just happen all over again.
(5 March 2017)

I miss him soooooo much, even though it was long distance he was my first real love and boyfriend.
(5 March 2017)

He was an amazing guy, he made me smile and laugh and blush but he also made me cry and angry.
(5 March 2017)

I told him 3x I wanna work this out and make things work but he kept ignoring that.
(5 March 2017)

And it was getting to the point where he constantly left me on read and kept ignoring the fact that I wanted to work things out.
(5 March 2017)

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday bc we didn't have trust, honesty and communication.
(5 March 2017)

If a woman cheats on a man....he chooses to divorce her because of her infidelity....she marries the person she committed adultry with...?
(5 March 2017)

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