Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Star Wars spoilers out the ass

A guy sitting next to me in the theater last night cried . I kind of wanted to punch him . People clapped - I hate when people clap in movie theaters . They can’t hear you bub . There was a me_ Yetta:Often there are insinuations about threesomes and I m not into that kind [...]

The thing was that she had a child.
(8 March 2017)

She works as a model, she is gorgeous woman.
(8 March 2017)

Should I give my unborn child my fiances last name who has passed?
(8 March 2017)

Just wanting an outsiders opinion on what her last name should be?
(8 March 2017)

Adalyn (his first name was Adam) Jade (his favorite color was green). I m still caught up in all the emotions sorting things out.
(8 March 2017)

Her name already is all about him.
(8 March 2017)

I m weighing pros and cons, should I give her my last name or his?
(8 March 2017)

He passed away the week before Christmas and I found out I was pregnant not long after that.
(8 March 2017)

He and I were living together and were planning on getting married this May.
(8 March 2017)

Self conscious when i take a couple quick glances at a woman... is this normal?
(8 March 2017)

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