Saturday 4 March 2017

There are so many things you can do with sweet potato

I typically eat it as a lunch meal after my morning workout or on cardio days I eat it as a side dish with my main meal. I use sweet potato a lot and run out of ways to add it to my meals. I love telling people (I mean, informing people) of the positive … Continue reading "There are so many things you can do with sweet potato"

I have had a lot of stress because of school and I read that could cause a late period so hopefully it's that.
(4 March 2017)

I don't know why I'm late and it's really stressing me out.
(4 March 2017)

I am nervous that somehow pre come came out of the condom and got me pregnant.
(4 March 2017)

We used a condom and he didn't come while having sex but after.
(4 March 2017)

I don't usually track my period however last time I did and it came with only 26 days in between which is a bit off from the normal 28. It is now Saturday night and I am yet to have my period.
(4 March 2017)

I got my period February 3rd and am yet to get it again.
(4 March 2017)

I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time last Wednesday.
(4 March 2017)

What do they mean by it?
(4 March 2017)

I m 12 and my boyfriend is 14 he is REALLY shy around me and doesn t really talk that much. I always have to usally text him first?
(4 March 2017)

HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My grandpa saw me naked and now he knows!!!?
(4 March 2017)

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