Wednesday 1 March 2017

Wondering who has his attention

Exira, Iowa // Caren:I feel like I got some type of contagious diesease.(28 February 2017) Caren:Seem like when my second baby passed away , family and so called friends just acted funny towards me.(28 February 2017) Caitlin:Should i try to talk to her again and how or should i just forget about her?(28 February 2017) Caitlin:We [...]

Girls with glasses don't find good boyfriend's and that is what I want.
(1 March 2017)

I may get contacts just so that I can have a boyfriend.
(1 March 2017)

He thinks that I would look better without glasses.
(1 March 2017)

How close are you to your extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents)?
(1 March 2017)

How close are you to your family?
(1 March 2017)

But after my grandparents passed, it is non-existent.
(1 March 2017)

I never really had much of a relationship with my dad's side of the family for some reason.
(1 March 2017)

With busy lives, time seems to slip by unfortunately.
(1 March 2017)

About the only way I keep in contact with them most of the time is through Facebook.
(1 March 2017)

It was going that way before she passed, but it seems even more so since she passed.
(1 March 2017)

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