Tuesday, 18 April 2017

50 shades….

So, what’s your stance on 50 shades of gray? Are you into it? Does it turn you wan? I admit, I really don’t know anything about the book, I didn’t read it. Nor have I gone to see the movie. And I don’_ Londa:They never reply to my texts and I always have to message them [...]

I had my son when I was 16 years old and my mother has custody since he is 2. I'm now 24 and have lived in NY my whole life.
(17 April 2017)

Or am I just letting the situation get to me?
(17 April 2017)

Am I a bad person for not wanting to be around him?
(17 April 2017)

Its making my whole family mad, at him not me, and it's causing a lot of useless strife.
(17 April 2017)

Now he's creating all this useless drama with my brother, whom he's friends with.
(17 April 2017)

My parents said that wasn't necessary, and told him he can find another house to stay in.
(17 April 2017)

I was honest and said he can stay but I'll be going elsewhere until he leaves.
(17 April 2017)

He is asking to stay with my family, but because of our history my parents asked me how I felt.
(17 April 2017)

My ex boyfriend moved away a few years ago, but came back two weeks ago with no job, no house and no money.
(17 April 2017)

I need some advice with my marriage ill make this brief?
(17 April 2017)

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