Monday, 10 April 2017

Article 50 allows two years for the divorce talks

Fighting for job creation, economic justice and political reform. The European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill 2016-17 is about to be passed. The commission will then take three or four weeks to turn the guidelines into detailed negotiating directives._ Erinn:I could try to make her my friend or try to make her feel something but…

So the day before my birthday lots of family members are flying in for the baby shower.
(10 April 2017)

My birthday is coming up, and the next day my cousin who I am close with is having a baby shower.
(10 April 2017)

When I think about someone..?
(10 April 2017)

This happens to me a lot but only with people i think about (people i like).
(10 April 2017)

Out of all the people why does it end up being the person i like?
(10 April 2017)

Like im not trying to but, lets say im across the room and then i turn my head and that person is staring at me.
(10 April 2017)

Whenever i start thinking about some guy i like or if i start to develop feelings for them, why do i always end up making eye contact with them.
(10 April 2017)

How soon should I take a pregnancy test?
(10 April 2017)

My period in January was from 21st-28th, if that helps.
(10 April 2017)

It is still early in April and I don't when my period would be due.
(10 April 2017)

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