Thursday, 13 April 2017

hola busco amigos

Ciudad de Panama, Panama // Florrie:The last year I’ve been having a really hard time.(11 April 2017) Florrie:She’s doing things wrong and I’m the one apologizing?(11 April 2017) Florrie:She keeps doing things that upset me or annoy me, and after I resort to yelling, she never apologizes.(11 April 2017) Florrie:She tells me I’m her best friend, [...]

I ve never actually had sex with one Ive just gotten oral or somethimg else but I still feel horrible and want to stop but feel like I cant.
(12 April 2017)

Sorry if this gets too long Im 19 in college and idk how many escorts Ive seen since I graduated last year.
(12 April 2017)

How do I turn sound back on?
(12 April 2017)

How do I turn sound back on my computers?
(12 April 2017)

How to say to no?
(12 April 2017)

He also gets really sad and acts like he has ruined something but honestly I just want him to be mature about and just know that s not an option.
(12 April 2017)

He does try to play with me and teases me a lot and I never know how to tell him no because I just feel bad when I do.
(12 April 2017)

But sometimes I feel we just don t need to do other stuff to I am a Christian and also just in genral feel I am to young and need to get more mature to do sexual stuff.
(12 April 2017)

Recently I ve been feeling weird when we hangout tho I do have to admit we he started kissing me very early on and now we have continued doing stuff I have told him I don t want to have sex until marriage and he is good with that.
(12 April 2017)

Okay I am am around 16 years old and have been dating a guy for around 6 months and known him for 8 I really like him and we get along very well.
(12 April 2017)

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