I dropped contact yet again but this lasted barely a week before she was in touch again.
(14 April 2017)
This carried on for a month or so until she told me was pregnant again.
(14 April 2017)
By accident bumped into her within a few days and we started chatting again and before you knew it, we were meeting again and texting.
(14 April 2017)
This lasted barely 2 months before we bumped into each and to say it was frosty has hell.
(14 April 2017)
She got engaged so I put a stop to seeing her and deleted her off FaceBook etc.
(14 April 2017)
Even thou she knew how much I liked her, she still carried on meeting up and texting all the time.
(14 April 2017)
I started getting feeling for her and told her not ideal.
(14 April 2017)
She had the baby and we started to meet up and walk our dogs together and probably got far to close.
(14 April 2017)
About a year ago I met this woman pregnant at the time by her boyfriend.
(14 April 2017)
How can I pull the hot girl in my science class?
(14 April 2017)
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