Saturday 8 April 2017

So what do people want to see here?

I notice that most of my posts..ok, all of them…don’t get many views. Which is fine.But–what do people want to see or hear from a guy on here? All the ladies’ blogs are pretty interesting but I t_ Shala:I’m worried about my daughter though, I don’t want her to be born in this environment, it might [...]

Last night she went out to a club with another friend of hers, even booked the next day off work.
(7 April 2017)

Last weekend I was going so I invited her along but she said she had no money.
(7 April 2017)

A few months ago it was my birthday and me and my bff Jade were gonna go to a club but she didn't want to ask for the next day off work so we never bothered.
(7 April 2017)

Was it okay of my mother to tell me to kill myself?
(7 April 2017)

I told her this and she said i was ungrateful because she pays the bills here.
(7 April 2017)

I know i have to help out but if the housework was divided evenly i would be happy.
(7 April 2017)

I just feel like she doesnt care for me or my brother, but do you think i am just being melodramatic?
(7 April 2017)

I feel like i am always cleaning up after dinner too, although my mother does do the dishes weekly.
(7 April 2017)

I cook nearly all of our meals, my mom might cook once or twice a month.
(7 April 2017)

I feel like i do most of the housework.
(7 April 2017)

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