Tuesday 25 April 2017

What a day!

Worked all night, and have barely slept today. So horny, but too worn out to attempt a hookup. I need to sleep!_ Lorelei:Am I overthinking and what do I do?(24 April 2017) Lorelei:She just talks to me like she always does but I somehow I suddenly feel that she is trying to keep distance from me.(24 April [...]

He was still talking to me then but one day my two friends walked up to him and told him that I liked him.
(25 April 2017)

She told his sister one day and started to mess with me.
(25 April 2017)

I told my sister that i liked him and she told my other friend.
(25 April 2017)

How to get rid of a girl whos obsessed?
(25 April 2017)

And i dont even try to tell her the truth anymore because shes so exhausting, i just tell her what she wants to hear.
(25 April 2017)

I do really care about this girl and her situation is not good, im really the only good thing in her life atm and i feel horrible for even leaving but i cant be with her anymore.
(25 April 2017)

She even threatened to kill herself one night after id broken up with her but, she ended upcutting herself instead.
(25 April 2017)

Plz understand this, this girl is the most sensitive little thing ive ever met.
(25 April 2017)

So ive been seeing this girl for over 5 months but ive tried many times to break it off and everytime i do, she guilts me back into the relationship.
(25 April 2017)

What means when a guy told me that he is afraid of me because i am a spiritual girl and he also it is(in the context of a relationship)?
(25 April 2017)

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