Tuesday 23 May 2017

A degree of selfishness…..

Love requires sacrifice. Always.Do you think that is a true statement?Sacrifice: to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person.I won’t be the first to admit it - I love_ Faye:I apologized for everything and went home with a serious hang over.(22 May 2017) Faye:I said good morning but he didn’t [...]

I'm close friends with this girl, and have been since the beginning of the school year.
(23 May 2017)

I'm a 14 year old boy in my freshman year of high school.
(23 May 2017)

I lost my sister and I think it's causing my BF to break up with me?
(23 May 2017)

My sister was 17, hit by a car in front of me so idki guess.
(23 May 2017)

He walked out the door with a packed bag crying saying he won't be coming back ever again.
(23 May 2017)

I know this drains him so much but i really will stop being this way.
(23 May 2017)

My therapist knows i hate how i take it out on the ones i love.
(23 May 2017)

We've been together 7 years and I said I'd stop yelling, i promised I'd stop taking it out on him.
(23 May 2017)

I said its going to get better and he says he cant see that as this has been going on for over half a year.
(23 May 2017)

He says he understands my upset, he is so sorry i lost my sister but he cant cope with me yelling at me.
(23 May 2017)

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