Thursday 25 May 2017

Commited Until Proven Single (Thanks married assholes)

*sigh* *looooong swig of water* *sighs again*WHY do I even try? Especially here? It’s like what’s with it people here? Especially men? Why do you fucking do it? WHY. DO. YOU. DO. IT? THEN expect_ Anisa:Should I call my mom to pick me up?(24 May 2017) Anisa:So, should I call her or should I endure the night?(24 [...]

I would like to know why was he smiling after the breakup and when we agreed to stay out of each other life?
(25 May 2017)

I immediately turned my head and ignored him.
(25 May 2017)

We both ended the conversation with the agreement that we wouldn't speak or see each other anymore; however, the day after the breakup we accidentally saw each other(actually he saw me first) and he had the biggest smile on his face.
(25 May 2017)

My ex and I got into a petty argument and said some mean things to each other.
(25 May 2017)

Any tips of getting baby to sleep through the night?
(25 May 2017)

Any tips on eliminating that night feeding?
(25 May 2017)

She gets her last bottle right before she goes to bed around 7 (she won't stay up later) and sleeps until 2-3, has a bottle and goes back down until 5:30-6. Yes, I know that's better than what some parents have.
(25 May 2017)

She eats 2-3 meals of solids a day in conjunction with formula.
(25 May 2017)

Long story short a random guy friended me on my real account on Facebook then I friended him in my fake account and talked to him like I'm?
(25 May 2017)

Someone else on my fake account.
(25 May 2017)

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