Tuesday 2 May 2017

Just a thought, not originally mine but I sure get it!

One pic, hopefully stays here. If it comes up missing I’ll replace it later._ Winifred:I saw her staring at me multiple times and each time she immediately looked away.(2 May 2017) Junita:I need help with school and family?(2 May 2017) Junita:This is causing problems for me and for my parents and there s constant fighting between us any [...]

I don't want to live with my mom or with my dad?
(2 May 2017)

We fight constantly (everyday pretty much) and i feel judged and ridiculed in my own home.
(2 May 2017)

She was one of those mean girls in high school and has a tendancy to make fun of me and my illness.
(2 May 2017)

But recently i developed anxiety, my mom just doesn't understand.
(2 May 2017)

He has been mentally, verbally and at times physically abusive so he is not an option.
(2 May 2017)

8 month old screaming bloody murder?
(2 May 2017)

Before this, he would sleep from 8 until 4 am.
(2 May 2017)

The past few nights we end up giving in and holding him until he falls asleep but I don't want that to become a pattern.
(2 May 2017)

I really don't want to let him cry it out but it seems like me checking on him is just inflaming his anger.
(2 May 2017)

He will calm down if we hold him but the second you go to set him down the screaming starts up again- and it is awful, the worst I have ever heard.
(2 May 2017)

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