Friday 12 May 2017

Mail box

Any blogs you put here can only be seen by the poster and me, so message away !_ Raylene:We started fighting a lot and stopped.(11 May 2017) Raylene:Help me .. it all started about a year ago .. I have a channel on youtube of violao love to play .. but the channel started to grow and [...]

His parents are visiting this weekend and I can't stand his mother I will not deny them visiting their grand kids but they seem to come every month and it's too much.
(12 May 2017)

How do i get over being shy in front of guys?
(12 May 2017)

No one asks me out. Any advice? Please serious advice only. I need help?
(12 May 2017)

How can I improve my chances of finding someone?
(12 May 2017)

This is my current profile picture.
(12 May 2017)

I hate smiling in pictures because that's not my personality.
(12 May 2017)

I thought being 27 I would have had more confidence by now but there are so many pretty girls that I just feel like no one would ever like me.
(12 May 2017)

I've been called ugly so many times and it's really upsetting.
(12 May 2017)

I'm 27 years old and no one approaches me.
(12 May 2017)

Me and my boyfriend constantly argue and i don't know what to do?
(12 May 2017)

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