Tuesday 30 May 2017

Photos prises au moment parfait - 3

2 photos supplémentaires sur le même thème. Mais à quoi pense donc ce chat ?[image] Nous sommes à la merci des enfants[image2]_ Charis:How do you quit smoking?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Would you be interested in attending a Yahoo reunion (where we could all meet and greet )?(29 May 2017) Olevia:Somewhere fun, where should we all meet ?(29 May 2017) Jaimee:Who [...]

I hope my first time is special and feels good.
(29 May 2017)

I'm having a small party with my friends on Friday and we're gettin alcohol but I'm scared?
(29 May 2017)

If I said to her, don't tell my penis is so beautiful and how much you would offer me to use it at 3 A.M. from your bed, what would I be?
(29 May 2017)

Why would a girl say something this cryptic?
(29 May 2017)

I saw a girl i knew from my past at my job and I asked for her number to stay in touch and she said no, and I asked why not, and she replied that is not how having a girlfriend works.
(29 May 2017)

Need advice on choosing a good name as an author for my books?
(29 May 2017)

Johnson does not sounds as strong as Danielle Johnson.
(29 May 2017)

However, in the past I wanted to use D.J. because it is gender neutral.
(29 May 2017)

So, my name is Danielle Johnson and lately I've been feeling as if that is a strong enough name to use as an author despite the fact that it is really feminine.
(29 May 2017)

Temperance as a name for our daughter?
(29 May 2017)

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