Monday 29 May 2017

Power out

When I got up this morning, the power was out. I had to leave by 6am to be a nurse for one of the Godsons, who it turns out has a slight case of pneumonia . It is a crazy week. I will be with him th_ Helen:I texted him right after asking why he had [...]

The police secretly advised us, her family, to keep her passport away from her.
(28 May 2017)

The police came and talked to her for like 2 hours, trying to make her understand that it s not safe, and it s almost as if she s stalking him, as she messaged his friends and others there to help her track him.
(28 May 2017)

My uncle called the police once because of her abnormal behavior and obsession.
(28 May 2017)

She threatens to leave the house.
(28 May 2017)

However, she screams and fights all day everyday, saying that they can t stop her.
(28 May 2017)

My parents are kind of strict, and are strongly against her going to Egypt for her safety, also the guy is a different religion from us.
(28 May 2017)

I don t understand, sometimes she would listen to sad songs for hours and start crying.
(28 May 2017)

She has never met his person in real life, and claims to love him.
(28 May 2017)

He blocked me, and then she said that she will go to Egypt.
(28 May 2017)

He blocked her, but she used my Facebook account to message him.
(28 May 2017)

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