Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Tit Tuesday!

[image]_ Maren:Im 6 weeks pregnant i started actually feeling nausea and vomiting when i was about 4 weeks.(15 May 2017) Chieko:Dad and Mom had a fight last night and Dad broke a bunk bed of my sister’s. I am scared, how do I keep them from doing this again?(15 May 2017) Chieko:Dad has moved out today but Mom [...]

I typed too much so all the details are in the picture.
(16 May 2017)

Please help me find a submissive girl on kik?
(16 May 2017)

Why is my cycle two days late?
(16 May 2017)

I've taken two pregnancy test and they came back negative I have been pregnant twice and both I had positive results when I started experiencing symptoms.
(16 May 2017)

I also had unprotected sex a week ago my cycle is usually a 28 day cycle and may come a day earlier but never late.
(16 May 2017)

The day before my cycle was due I had unprotected sex and I had very bad cramps after almost felt like a contraction that lasted for 5 minutes.
(16 May 2017)

For about a week and a half I have been having really bad cramping and very tender breast.
(16 May 2017)

Is it normal for blood to come from my butt?
(16 May 2017)

I'm scared to tell my mom, but does someone know what's happening?
(16 May 2017)

I searched up some answers and one said pregnancy and there's been people getting pregnant and I got scared but I didn't have sex so I know I'm not pregnant.
(16 May 2017)

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