Sunday 4 June 2017

group fun?

anyone ever have a get together for a group of people?_ Adrienne:The times she makes me happy still outweighs the times she makes me mad or sad.(4 June 2017) Adrienne:There have been times that I’ve avoided hanging out with some of my coworkers after work because I was afraid to tell her because then there’d be another [...]

Both my parents are still supporting me and want the best for me.
(4 June 2017)

I am in the states living with family friends.
(4 June 2017)

My mother, father, and I all live in different countries.
(4 June 2017)

Ileana: parents are divorced and don't want to have anything to do with each other.
(4 June 2017)

Why do average women avoid men who are very successful and attractive?
(4 June 2017)

Ok so I m 23 about to be 24 and was in relationship for 6 years with my first bf he was my first everything and ways he was only 4 yrs older?
(4 June 2017)

Why is it that all of my former bullies are becoming moms or getting married or engaged while I am a virgin at age 22?
(4 June 2017)

I would rather go missing than to not be engaged by age 27.
(4 June 2017)

Every engaged 22 yr old has the perfect life and God loves them more than me.
(4 June 2017)

I should have been a bully in high school because men want to wife girls who were bullies.
(4 June 2017)

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