Friday 2 June 2017

Heart to Heart

Heart to HeartdonamorousFrom thine heart to minea glorious river flowsfilling us with an intenseand all consuming love thatburns brightly bringing thesweetest peace that we couldever know._ Valeria:I just like how he’s so into her and wants to control her life in a loving way.(2 June 2017) Valeria:Actually ive only seen the first movie.(2 June 2017) Chante:I’m 22 and [...]

I help with the kids all day and right now there's only 2 and I still feel stressed out.
(2 June 2017)

In a few weeks she's going to be keeping 7 kids from 7am-6pm and I really don't want her to.
(2 June 2017)

My mom has a home daycare and she has since I was little, It's never really bothered me until now.
(2 June 2017)

This guy online says he's a sociopath?
(2 June 2017)

I dont get why someone would do that.
(2 June 2017)

I dont want to be alive anymore because I put my all mt emotions into guys and they just toss me.
(2 June 2017)

I'm sick of men leaving my life so I try hard to hold onto whoever im with.
(2 June 2017)

It is so hard for me to let go and believe he really is this cold guy.
(2 June 2017)

Sounds like I'm a toy for him because I always have mood swings cause I'm crazy for him and he just plays with my emotions.
(2 June 2017)

He said he likes me as a friend and only talks to me for entertainment.
(2 June 2017)

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