Saturday 3 June 2017

Pictures that pop up on your phone when it rings at work.

Most of us have a smart phone and many times we have them out at work within arms length. They are sometimes on silent or low buzz when they ring and for certain people you might have programmed a s_ Arletha:For example I might be sitting reading a book and Dara creep up and scare me [...]

I let her know I might be working late tonight.
(2 June 2017)

I asked this girl on a date for tonight.
(2 June 2017)

Me and my bf broke up?
(2 June 2017)

Early pregnancy advice?
(2 June 2017)

Google is the devil lol and I just want to get through this as smoothly as possible.
(2 June 2017)

Wasn't fertile but ... no period?
(2 June 2017)

I have this app (Ovia) that tells me what days I am able to get pregnant and what days I'm not.
(2 June 2017)

Why do guys think girls care about confidence?
(2 June 2017)

I met lot of guys who were not confident but they had so much success with girls it was absolutely ridiculous.
(2 June 2017)

Why does this guy in my class always stare at me?
(2 June 2017)

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