Thursday 29 June 2017


W E D N E S D A Y E R O T I C_ Jacquline:How do I get date someone without appearing pushy or not attractive?(18 June 2017) Jacquline:I wear glasses and I’m skinny but I’ve always tried to date people who see past.(18 June 2017) Jacquline:I just feel like a nerd or loser when it comes [...]

I understand the psychology behind it too since I have a therapist but I just CANNOT leave them behind for some weird reason.
(19 June 2017)

I always run back to my mom, dad, aunts, uncles,cousins..etc although if I die today they will piss on my grave.
(19 June 2017)

Its SO SCARY and I am not mentally string yet.
(19 June 2017)

My boyfriend is angry because I feel like he would abuse me unintentionally?
(18 June 2017)

What should do I to not make him angry at me right now?
(18 June 2017)

I know for sure he wouldn't do it intentionally but he doesn't understand what he's capable of out of instinct.
(18 June 2017)

I assume he would go for me, but he doesn't see it that way because he loves me.
(18 June 2017)

But what happens when he gets mad around me and there's nothing to hit or whatever?
(18 June 2017)

So that's just his instinct I guess.
(18 June 2017)

He also hit this guy in the balls when he accidentally slapped him without knowing he had sunburn.
(18 June 2017)

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