Friday 21 July 2017

A Wonderful Valentine’s Day Scenario

Usually Valentine’s Day is always looked as another reason to buy and give materialistic items to one another, but to me I think it should be more about showing someone special how they make you f_ Kevin:What are good easy ways to compliment or initiate conversation with a guy over Snapchat?(6 July 2017) Kevin:He is wicked popular [...]

Is this curfew and cleaning business normal?
(21 July 2017)

So because she wants him to come home and clean after work, he has to drive an extra hour and a half to come see me every day which she knows he always likes to do.
(21 July 2017)

She also makes him come home and clean for an hour every day after work.
(21 July 2017)

She enforces a strict curfew of 11pm on week nights.
(21 July 2017)

First of all, he works doing a desk job she wanted him to do 5 days a week 8 hours a day.
(21 July 2017)

I keep getting really frustrated by his mom.
(21 July 2017)

My boyfriend and I just finished our freshman year at Ohio State, both 19. Now it's summer and were both at home but we only live about 40 minutes from each other.
(21 July 2017)

How much lying is normal in a 20 year old?
(21 July 2017)

Taking her to therapy seems futile since she doesn't admit there is anything wrong but IS there?
(21 July 2017)

I know that kids don't always tell the truth but does this seem normal or is this a sign of trouble?
(21 July 2017)

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