Friday, 28 July 2017

Fun day, fun day 😋

Today is my play day, yeah! 😁_ Manuela:How can i not be so attached?(28 July 2017) Nam:Or to at least figure out if he’s single and if he is if he’s interested in me.(28 July 2017) Nam:I don’t know how to act more interested without being too much.(28 July 2017) Nam:But then acts like she’s super excited to see [...]

I gave him my tip money when I worked at a restaurant.
(28 July 2017)

I paid his child support, but he paid me back.
(28 July 2017)

I have gave him money before and even fed him and still is.
(28 July 2017)

I asked my boyfriend for 50.00 since he received his accident insurance money.
(28 July 2017)

Anyone want to talk? I'm a 13F looking to... talk?
(28 July 2017)

Would a female give me a shot at dating her?
(28 July 2017)

I usually have problems talking to them without talking about myself and that's a problem I am working on but I just want you guys opinions and advice, stuff like that honestly.
(28 July 2017)

Would a girl give me a shot at dating her?
(28 July 2017)

Incredibly build, athletically built considering I'm a prifesssional when it comes to playing basketball, but that's besides the point.
(28 July 2017)

Wohoo for me I guess, lol but I'm 5'5 at least.
(28 July 2017)

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