Saturday 29 July 2017

I wondered if she really was going to meet me

I had met Pretty Sugar online She told me in the beginning I was too old (she had just turned 21) and married and could not access her private pictures or private blogs. She posted a “husband applic_ Madeline:My girlfriend is having a baby in January she’s scared because one of her friend lost a baby [...]

It was so painful, they gave me morphine and it didn t help.
(29 July 2017)

The doctors all asked me how long I had been pregnant and I just told them I didn t know that I was.
(29 July 2017)

I told him he could go say goodbye and that I would be fine.
(29 July 2017)

My boyfriend was about to leave to see his brother who was flying to New York but I had him take me to the ER first.
(29 July 2017)

I almost passed out and lost hearing.
(29 July 2017)

That morning I woke up and went to the bathroom and I couldn t get off the toilet because the bleeding wouldn t stop.
(29 July 2017)

I didn t know until I was in the emergency room.
(29 July 2017)

Im 21 and I was taking birth control and my periods are always irregular when I m on it so I didn t think anything of it when I missed my period especially because I had no pregnancy symptoms.
(29 July 2017)

Is it bad that I hang out with my parents?
(29 July 2017)

He says it's time for me to drop my parents and only be with him or he's starting to make me it bad that I do things with my parents?
(29 July 2017)

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