Friday 21 July 2017

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

BEWARE!!!!!![image]Tell everybody!!!!!People are made from SEX!!!!!![image2]Valentine’s Day Sex makes Thanksgiving Babies!!!!![image3]TAKE CARE!!!!!_ Shakia:But I think it s time to let him go.(6 July 2017) Shakia:If I sacrifice and quit my job the least I expect is an engagement ring showing his commitment but he is not aggreeing to until I move.(6 July 2017) Shakia:I have asked him again [...]

My ex texted me and it's hard not to respond?
(21 July 2017)

I didn't respond even though I kind of wanted to a bit.
(21 July 2017)

Well he texted me today after two weeks of no contact about how his work screwed him over.
(21 July 2017)

I miss him sometimes but then I think about how little he showed effort.
(21 July 2017)

I broke up with him due to lack of effort on his end.
(21 July 2017)

I don't know why this makes me upset?!?
(21 July 2017)

I don't know why this makes me upset and a bit mad.
(21 July 2017)

One of them are 7 years younger and the other is 5 years younger than me.
(21 July 2017)

I have my own phone that's better than theirs.
(21 July 2017)

My cousins (that I live with) just got their own phones.
(21 July 2017)

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