Sunday, 30 July 2017

Think Fast, 2.15.16

How do you hope to use your tax refund?_ Tobi:I will make an innocent comment and she will burst into tears?(29 July 2017) Tobi:She will seem fine one minute then loose the plot the next.(29 July 2017) Tobi:I’ve never experienced a loss quite like this before so am finding it hard to relate and hard to know what [...]

Why noone girl wish a small penis?
(30 July 2017)

Should I tell my wife to stop talking to this guy if it really hurts me?
(30 July 2017)

My Mom gets mad when I am nice to her sister or her sister's son (my cousin). How do I get her to not care?
(30 July 2017)

I don't like making her mad but I also don't like being treated like I am 10 years old (I am 41). As a kid I was always used by my Mom as a pawn when she'd be fighting with someone as I'd be banned from that person.
(30 July 2017)

She has to hate her nephew to love her sister since her sister hates her son (my Mom's nephew). How do I get my Mom not to care who I see as I am an adult?
(30 July 2017)

Her sister she has hated for years and is all of a sudden good to her in the past 6 months to a year.
(30 July 2017)

Sometimes she loves her nephew and is good to him also but right now she hates him.
(30 July 2017)

Hello, I would like to ask if there's a chance I'm pregnant?
(30 July 2017)

I'll go see a doctor and take a pregnacy test if my period won't come but I'm wondering if the symptoms could come this early?
(30 July 2017)

Other symptoms I feel is feeling nauseous, big dizziness and back pain.
(30 July 2017)

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