Wednesday 23 August 2017

Barefoot vs Shoes

When a girl is “naked” or “nude” this should include all clothes, pants, bra…. everything. (In my view, it should also include pubic hair…. all of it….. if you want to displayThere’s no better w_ Diana:I sent him a text explaining how I felt and he completely blew up at me and told me I was [...]

We've been broke up for nearly 2 years now.
(20 August 2017)

So me and my ex dated for about 16 months.
(20 August 2017)

Am I deserving of love?
(20 August 2017)

How do I know if I'm deserving of love or if I'm doomed to be someone who can't find the right person?
(20 August 2017)

I love too much and too easily and it's my greatest downfall.
(20 August 2017)

Am I being used by this girl I am dating even though she likes me?
(20 August 2017)

I have been used by girls in the past and I want to make sure I don't add this scenario to the list.
(20 August 2017)

I can't tell if I am overreacting or not but I haven't heard anything from her at all today.
(20 August 2017)

I felt as though I was the third-wheel and it put me into an uncomfortable as well as awkward situation.
(20 August 2017)

The fourth date her and I went on was a double date and I was absolutely miserable.
(20 August 2017)

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