Those are the top 5 keywords, in order, on my blog according to this expertly coded website. I would never question the accuracy of anything this site counts automatically. Never!_ Cammie:We all know that humans have survived gunshots to the head, either the bullet riocheted off the skull, failed to penetrate or it entered a part [...]
One girl started complimenting me on my physique and went as far as feeling my arms.
(10 August 2017)
At the dinner table a few good looking girls started complimenting me on my looks in front of everyone.
(10 August 2017)
I recently went to a gathering at my friends house and at the gathering he invited some of his friends that were girls.
(10 August 2017)
Family members and family friends usually say im handsome but I usually just assume theyre trying to be nice I'm in my 20's and all of my friends are guys.
(10 August 2017)
I'm in good shape now and pretty built.
(10 August 2017)
I sort of have self image problems because I used to be pretty overweight as a kid. and was made fun of.
(10 August 2017)
Is it a red flag or just a normal fetish and nothing to be concerned about?
(10 August 2017)
Is it a dominance thing, or does he want to humiliate me?
(10 August 2017)
Okay my question is, why does this appeal to him?
(10 August 2017)
If he doesn t contact me by the time next month rolls around, after no contact and a month having passed by, I m going to call him?
(10 August 2017)
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