Member BlogsBlogs are a simple way to create your own regularly updated homepage on Meelp. They’re a great way to find out more about other members and to tell people more about yourself and your real_ Nicolle:It could be the fact she is an older woman, or that I have feelings for others, more around my [...]
Are socialists whiny little poopoo heads, or do they actually have a point?
(1 August 2017)
Its funny how everytime a socialist views the thread the category gets changed, dont like being called out for your stupidity or what lmao?
(1 August 2017)
This obviously breaks the rules because its a trick question... Socialists are too incompetent to make points as coherent as the point I'm making by posting this question.
(1 August 2017)
If a mod feels its necessary to delete this question, or a socialist feels the need to flag this question, go for it.
(1 August 2017)
My significant other is always whispering in my ear telling secrets . why does he do it?
(1 August 2017)
How should I enjoy life?
(1 August 2017)
I spend the majority of time on my computer and I feel it is negatively impacting my mental health.
(1 August 2017)
I have a civil engineering degree but I see no point in taking any jobs since the dividends from my investments are more than sufficient to fund my lifestyle.
(1 August 2017)
I inherited $13 million, sold my parent s house for an additional $4 mil, and live alone after my dad passed away.
(1 August 2017)
I m 21 and have never been in a relationship.
(1 August 2017)
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