Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Experience tells us…..

Experience tells us:1) matching up with a couple is close to impossible.2) bi curious or bisexual women outnumber straight women 500 to 1 on Meelp.3) if a single guy can only meet during the day, he i_ Alaina:I went to her apartment last month and we took a picture of me kissing her on the cheek [...]

Is it awkward that i love my little cousin very much?
(13 August 2017)

But anyway, is it awkward for a guy like me to love his little cousin of the opposite gender in a way like this?
(13 August 2017)

I even get sad sometimes because she's growing up really fast and before i know it she isn't going to be little anymore so i guess i'll just have to make the most of my time with her in her youth.
(13 August 2017)

We don't have that tight of a bond but i still love her a lot more than she thinks i do and to be honest, i would do anything to protect her.
(13 August 2017)

I obviously don't love her in any creepy way, she's just a very sweet and innocent little angel and to me she's almost like the little sister i never had.
(13 August 2017)

I'm a 16 year old guy and i have a little girl cousin who is currently 7 years old and ever since i first met her about 3 years ago i've just loved her to pieces even though we aren't the same gender.
(13 August 2017)

Is it the parents' duty to provide sex change surgery for their child to the correct sex at as young an age as possible?
(12 August 2017)

My brother gets more perks from our parents than me? Please read?
(13 August 2017)

Do you agree do you have this same parenting style?
(13 August 2017)

They said since he's a man it's diffrent.
(13 August 2017)

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