Wednesday 16 August 2017

Heteroflexible…. Mostly Straight Guys…. WTF?!?!

By Definition:Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation that is_ Lucie:Okay, so I’ve been talking to this guy since like May (I met him on a dating app). We finally go on a date in July, it went well and [...]

She hasnt ignored me or avoided me since.
(14 August 2017)

She found out through a friend that I did but never had a chance to do anything about it.
(14 August 2017)

My 5 year old has Vocal Tics in public?
(14 August 2017)

Should i wait another year to put him in school?
(14 August 2017)

He s recently been given medicine.
(14 August 2017)

Also, i do take him out in public more than his father does but its embarressing because we live in a society where there s a lot of African Americans.
(14 August 2017)

I dont want my son or us to get hurt due to his racial slurs.
(14 August 2017)

What should i say to the school counselor?
(14 August 2017)

And, we live in an area where there arent a lot of white people.
(14 August 2017)

He starts kindergarten this year and i am afraid to put him into school because he says the N word a lot but not on purpose.
(14 August 2017)

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