Sunday 27 August 2017

Like I was saying

The close minded stuff I’m talking about. Servant, Christian, age 28 from Wilson, NC who has the footprints prayer or whatever in his profile writes, “G-d has shown Himself clearly throughout the worl_ Lavonda:Hello, I know my story would be similar to many thousands among, I am writing it now because I reached a desperate helpless [...]

I am 14 and have a crush on this girl that s very shy (as I am) and I don t know what to do to progress our relationship.
(24 August 2017)

As acting like a little girl I mean like being shy, wearing teddy bear pajamas, and to still think she's a teenager, and act immature?
(24 August 2017)

Is it okay for an 19 year old to still act like a little girl.
(24 August 2017)

Why do I attract men in relationships?
(24 August 2017)

How do I apologize to my mom for wishing her dead?
(24 August 2017)

What can I say or do to give her a meaningful apology?
(24 August 2017)

My head boiled over and things just came out like they did.
(24 August 2017)

It's just that whenever there's trouble, she always takes the other persons side and treats me as a problem.
(24 August 2017)

She started crying and well... I feel bad now.
(24 August 2017)

I told my mom I wished she were dead and that I would tell people what a sickening person she was at her funeral.
(24 August 2017)

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