Sunday 13 August 2017

New scheduling systems is working!

Since i edited my main profile page here and was more specific on what time i can play and where i can play I have seen an increase in correspondence from my potential men here on Meelp–this new sche_ Magaly:Then I had to go on antibiotics the 6th day and then the 7th day I missed [...]

What does he mean by this comment do you think?
(10 August 2017)

I have diarrhea and there's no toilet paper in the house?
(10 August 2017)

I like someone I see everyday and it's hard to pretend I don't like him I see him at my job?
(10 August 2017)

A guy I like who I work with knows I like him he said to a coworker he thinks I'm pretty and cool and that he thinks I'm a good girl.
(10 August 2017)

I hate my dad so much and wish he would drop dead?
(10 August 2017)

If he does get full custody do I have to live with him or can I still stay with my mom?
(10 August 2017)

I hate my dad so much for what he did to us and I would rather jump off a cliff than live with him and his girlfriend.
(10 August 2017)

This not only made me upset but I was upset for my mom because she was so happy and now this is a turn in the wrong direction.
(10 August 2017)

My dad got his girlfriend pregnant and is now trying to get full custody of my siblings and I.
(10 August 2017)

My mom is handling it much better and started seeing a man who makes her really happy.
(10 August 2017)

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