Sunday 20 August 2017

So much pussy n cock to view

I really love looking at all the pussy n cock on this site!!! So much to slaivate over and for setting up real meetings._ Hattie:Is the women always expected to do all the inside housework?(19 August 2017) Hattie:Do you think it’s in a way sexist as well?(19 August 2017) Hattie:My parents are in their 50s so they’re up [...]

My life is not where I want it to be at all I'm going through a lot of stress.
(18 August 2017)

Did I lead him on?
(18 August 2017)

Or was he trying to take advantage of me?
(18 August 2017)

I do remember mentioning how I was ready for a relationship so maybe he took that as a sign to do that which makes me think that I could've unintentionally led him on?
(18 August 2017)

I've always kept boundaries up in our friendship but he recently found out that I was still a virgin and he started becoming more flirtatious which I never flirted back or anything.
(18 August 2017)

Luckily I got out of the situation before it got out of hand.
(18 August 2017)

He asked me to look at his lips then grabbed my boobs and told me to tell him that I liked it.
(18 August 2017)

Then he tried reaching in my pants and when I tensed up he said that he liked how nervous I got and it was just scary because I never saw any of that coming.
(18 August 2017)

I tried making excuses for him to take me home and he just kept trying to convince me to hookup with him.
(18 August 2017)

He then grabbed me and tried to kiss me which instantly turned me off and left me in shock.
(18 August 2017)

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