All The WorlddonamorousAll the world shall be infatuated by the soft silvery light of the autumnmoon and shall pay no homage nor heed to the garish burning light ofthe morning sun._ Richelle:He’s very sweet and kind to everyone, he’s talented, funny, attractive, and smart- not to mention we share the same interest in dancing.(6 September 2017) Richelle:There’s [...]
I have seen this girl in my school and she approached me and talked to me.
(5 September 2017)
How can I convince my parents to move back?
(5 September 2017)
If you're here to tell me to suck it up, this isn't for you to answer.
(5 September 2017)
My diary is full of my tear drops and rants about how I miss Toronto and I need to move back.
(5 September 2017)
I cry every day when I come home from school and at nights.
(5 September 2017)
In the high school in Toronto, I know almost everyone.
(5 September 2017)
I haven't been able to make friends here at all and in Toronto, I KNEW EVERYONE AT MY SCHOOL.
(5 September 2017)
People are so different here and the weather is so harsh.
(5 September 2017)
And he went like 'Oh well, we consider that a foreign city' like who gives a f about your opinion, mr teacher?
(5 September 2017)
At school a teacher asked me where I was from and I said Toronto.
(5 September 2017)
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