Sunday 3 September 2017

~~~Banging around the house~~~

[image] What is it about pinky toes that makes them soooo bangable?! Mine got it twice today! Once while working and again at the grocery store. I’m pretty sure its not broken but holy #%£! it hurt_ Lasonya:Since then, he doesn t talk to me at school.(3 September 2017) Lasonya:We made things official about 1 month ago.(3 [...]

She was shocked by my age too cuz she thought I was in high school, but I'm actually 23. Its so confusing sometimes.
(1 September 2017)

I came very close to asking her out, but luckily, she said she was 16 when I asked her what college she attends.
(1 September 2017)

So I got along very well with this girl at my work who I didnt know was onky 16 at the time.
(1 September 2017)

Why does he say he wants to take things slow?
(1 September 2017)

He has 5 or 6 beers a night I guess...He says his ex comes by every day to say this a trap?
(1 September 2017)

He told me he tried to kill himself a couple months ago.
(1 September 2017)

Why am I having no luck with women?
(1 September 2017)

To make matters worse when I do find someone that's available, I find myself in the friendzone.
(1 September 2017)

I can't figure out whether it's just circumstance or bad luck, but it happens all of the time.
(1 September 2017)

It seems that every girl I get friendly with to the point where I gain some kind of attraction to them is in a relationship.
(1 September 2017)

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