Monday 11 September 2017


[image]Which do you believe is more effective… you can only choose one!Discouraging bad behavior or encouraging good behavior?_ Gayla:I’m not sure if I want a relationship just for a rebound right now.(9 September 2017) Gayla:Although I do long for relationship and sexual desire again.(9 September 2017) Gayla:Do you get over someone fast when you start dating again?(9 September [...]

Idk what to do.. these people are my friends.
(8 September 2017)

Ik everyone handles this differently but it's not fair that they're bringing me down because they don't know how to take care of themself.
(8 September 2017)

I know if someone pointed a gun at their head, they'd beg for their life.
(8 September 2017)

I'm tired of them being insensitive about it.
(8 September 2017)

I don't think they should be joking about suicide.
(8 September 2017)

I don't get that positivity in return.
(8 September 2017)

I'm trying to be positive but it's hard.
(8 September 2017)

Unlike them, I'm taking care of myself and putting my own health above my grades.
(8 September 2017)

As a result, all they do is whine about how tired they are and how much they wanna kill themselves.
(8 September 2017)

Most people that go to my nerd school are harming themselves to look good for college.
(8 September 2017)

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