Saturday 2 September 2017


Just sitting here bored, trolling the cams. Not much happening on this rainy day…_ France:Which last name is cooler Scotney or woods?(2 September 2017) Tamala:My cousin is desperately in love with me and proposed to me and told me he’d kill himself if I said no. Help?(2 September 2017) Tamala:There’s no one in my family I can talk [...]

How do i message this girl?
(31 August 2017)

I followed her on instagram and she followed back but how do i DM her in a way that isnt creepy?
(31 August 2017)

My friend is setting me up with a girl he knows he showed her a picture of me and told her about me and she was interested.
(31 August 2017)

I'm 14 a virgin and I never had my first period before but I think I'm pregnat I never had a boyfriend?
(31 August 2017)

I only work as a waiter at a restaurant and I'm kinda short of money whereas she works at Cambridge University as a Biology teacher.
(31 August 2017)

Polls: girls is it romantic if a guy gives you his coat on a rainy day?
(31 August 2017)

Guys, does skinny dipping with a girl (friend) mean anything?
(31 August 2017)

We are in our 20s btw if that makes a difference.
(31 August 2017)

This guy I've known professionally for just under a year and I were hanging out one night at the beach and decided it'd be fun to go swimming so we took our clothes off and in we went.
(31 August 2017)

In this episode of Goosebumps what would've happened to him if the fisherman got him on the boat?
(31 August 2017)

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