Sunday 10 September 2017

cheap experience once again by a doctor

I am ashamed to say here most claim women cheat but i found top most heads of company likeTata motors world head . director of Oriental bank. senior director of Phillips Netherland Sony Ericsson sen_ Hiedi:I’m in high school and I’m SO shy and quiet.(8 September 2017) Valentina:Are 18-year-olds children in your opinion?(8 September 2017) Valentina:VOTE: YES or [...]

I'm not a traitor so I told her that's all I could tell and I told her that it's none of my concern just like she said.
(8 September 2017)

So I left the conversation but she kept on messaging me trying to find out who said it.
(8 September 2017)

Anyway I told her about my concerns and she immediately snapped at me saying that this has nothing to do with me.
(8 September 2017)

She's always concerned about me so I tried to return the favor by trying to stick up for her and by telling her.
(8 September 2017)

I overheard a bunch of classmates bad mouthing my former best friend.
(8 September 2017)

For the wife's specially, why some wife's just like to give the silence treatment all the time? please help me here?
(8 September 2017)

BTW never treat her badly or anything like that but I am about to send her to hell.
(8 September 2017)

My relatives are coming over next weekend. I never talk to them and likewise. Should I go to some place few mins before they arrive?
(8 September 2017)

So I'm thing about going to casino for a bite and to have some fun.
(8 September 2017)

Also I have nothing to say to em cuz to be honest, I don't care.
(8 September 2017)

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